Dear visitors to the website of the Investment Guarantee Fund, are you looking for help on our web pages? Do you need some advice, or would you like to ask a question? When you send your queries to our email address, we will answer questions regarding our compensation scheme.
Before contacting us, please read carefully the following questions and answers:

  • I did not receive pay from the company I worked for, which is why I request the payment of the salary or wage from the Guarantee Fund.

The Investment Guarantee Fund is not the guarantee fund of Sociálna poisťovňa (Social Insurance Agency). It only has a similar name. The Investment Guarantee Fund is used exclusively for clients of securities dealers. In order to submit the request for unpaid salary or wage compensation you need to contact the Social Insurance Agency.

  • I want to invest in securities. Could you give me some tips?

The Investment Guarantee Fund is not authorized to provide any investment advice. In such cases, you need to contact licensed securities dealers.

  • I am a client of a securities dealer. Does the Investment Guarantee Fund protect the assets I entrusted to the securities dealer?

If the licensed securities dealer is a participant in the guarantee scheme of the Investment Guarantee Fund, your assets the managing and safekeeping of which is entrusted to this securities dealer are under the protection of the Investment Guarantee Fund. You can check the foregoing in the list of participants in the guarantee scheme of the Investment Guarantee Fund, which is available on our website.

  • What is currently the maximum amount of cover for client assets entrusted to a securities dealer?

The current maximum amount covered is EUR 50,000.

  • After the completion of the investment, I received less then I had put into the trade. Am I entitled to compensation from the Guarantee Fund?

No, as this is the case of so-called investment risk, or more specifically, the risk of a bad investment, which is not covered by the Investment Guarantee Fund (i.e. the actual yield is lower than initially expected by the investor, or all or part of the amount invested may have been lost). The Investment Guarantee Fund only covers the risk of unavailability of client assets. In practice this means that it covers the risk that the dealer who you entrusted with safekeeping and managing your assets would not be able to return your assets on account of them becoming unavailable.

  • Who can declare client assets unavailable?

The unavailability of client assets is declared by Národná Banka Slovenska (National Bank of Slovakia, abbreviated to NBS) and the competent court in the Slovak Republic.

  • I have a coupon book. The shares I have on it are unavailable as the issuer ceased to exist. Am I entitled to a compensation payment for unavailable client assets?

  • No, as in such case, this is not unavailability of client assets pursuant to the Securities Act, which regulates the operation of the Investment Guarantee Fund along with the terms of the occurrence of unavailability of client assets and the subsequent compensation payment from the Investment Guarantee Fund.
    By client assets for the purposes of the Securities Act we mean cash and financial instruments of the client entrusted to the securities dealer or securities dealer from abroad in connection with the provision of an investment service or ancillary services under Section 6(2)(a) of the aforementioned law, including financial instruments and cash obtained for these values.

    • If I invest in securities through a foreign company, are my assets protected by the Investment Guarantee Fund?

    Yes, but only on condition that this company is a participant in the guarantee scheme of the Investment Guarantee Fund. You can check it in the list of current participants in the guarantee scheme of the Investment Guarantee Fund published on our website.

    • Where can I check whether there has been a case of unavailability of client assets for a particular securities dealer?

    When unavailability of client assets arises, it is the securities dealer who has an obligation to inform you about it. At the same time you can check it with the NBS as well as on the website of the Investment Guarantee Fund, where we provide such information to the public..
