Bodies of the investment Guarantee Fund

BOARD of the Investment Guarantee Fund

Chair of the Board of the IGF:

RNDr. Miron Zelina, CSc. 

Vice-Chair of the Board of the IGF: 

RNDr. František Szulényi 

Members of the Board of the Investment Guarantee Fund:

Mgr. Ján Foltán

Mgr. Peter Kníž 

JUDr. Karol Krippel

JUDr. Marek Mikuška 

Ing. Maroš Ovčarik

JUDr. Viera Polčanová

Ing. Róbert Vlkolinský

SUPERVISORY BOARD of the Investment Guarantee Fund

Chair of the Supervisory Board of the IGF

Mgr. Júlia Čillíková

Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the IGF

Ing. Erika Šolíková

Members of the Supervisory Board of the IGF

JUDr. Jozef Humenský

Ing. Ján Kaššovič, PhD.

Ing. Georgína Prečuchová

Ing. Rastislav Sádecký

 JUDr. Peter Tkáč, PhD.

EXECUTIVE BOARD of the Investment Guarantee Fund

Chair of the Executive Board of the IGF

Viliam Végh

Members of the Executive Board of the IGF

Ing. Róbert Kopál

JUDr. Svetlana Kucmenová
