About us
An Investment Guarantee Fund is a legal person established by the Act on Securities and Investment Services and on amendments and supplements to certain laws as amended by subsequent legislation (The Securities Act). The Investment Guarantee Fund rose in November 2002. The Investment Guarantee Fund shall collect financial contributions of stock brokerage firms, branches of foreign stock brokerage firms, asset management companies, and branches of foreign asset management companies (hereinafter „persons involved in client protection“) to provide compensation for inaccessible client assets received by persons involved in client protection providing an investment service.
The Investment Guarantee Fund together with the Deposit Protection Fund create the system of client protection in the investment on the money and capital market in the Slovak republic. The Investment Guarantee Fund is supervised by the National Bank of Slovakia. The activities and management of the Investment Guarantee Fund are subject to strict rules set by generally binding legal regulations. The Investment Guarantee Fund shall provide compensation for protected client assets in an amount equal to 50.000 EUR of client assets as of the date since when client assets of the person involved in client protection became inaccessible pursuant to Article 82 (1) of the Securities Act.
The organization structure of the Investment Guarantee Fund consists of 3 bodies.
The supreme body is the Investment Guarantee Fund`s Board. The control body is represented by the Investment Guarantee Fund`s Supervisory Board supervising management and operation of the Investment Guarantee Fund. The executive body of the Investment Guarantee Fund is a Presidium.